Negative Impact of Internet Use | The Ugliness of the Internet That You Must Know

Yesterday we discussed an article about the positive impact of the internet that is useful for human life, if you want, please read here so you can follow and understand my explanation.

Sometimes the world of the internet can lead you to negative things, including what might happen is the negative impact of the internet on children, without clearly knowing the source of the information, indeed the internet brings a lot of positive things in human life, but you must know. the impacts of the internet world that you may not know, here are the reviews:

1. Hoax News

Usually hoax or fake news is spread by a person who aims to gain popularity and bring down the name of a person or company, hoax news is usually a lot on social media, but what is most often encountered is on Facebook, so many people are motivated by the news without knowing the origin and the source.

2. Pornography

Lacking an understanding of how to use good internet access, maybe this is what happens to those people every time they open the internet to open useless content, if you have a child, then you must be diligent about that child on the internet, a lot of pornographic content.

3. Fraud

The internet world is more violent than the real world, why do I say that? because I have often seen people who specialize in online transactions in the Facebook / Instagram group being deceived. If you want to transact online, especially on Facebook, you can use a joint account using 3rd party services.

4. Cyber ​​Bullying

It turns out that bullying cases do not only occur in the school world or in the real world, but bullying passes everywhere without exception on the internet, if you often see or read in forums / groups, you will often see posts and you can see their comments and responses.

Some of My Articles About the Negative Impact of Internet Use | The Ugliness of the Internet That You Must Know. May be useful. Thank you

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