How to Add RAM to an Android HP Appropriately and Easily 2021

How to Add RAM to an Android HP Appropriately and Easily

How to increase HP RAM is one practical solution for cellphones that are often slow. If your cellphone is often slow, it might be resolved by increasing the RAM capacity of your cellphone.

The steps are quite easy, namely by increasing space or freeing up the capacity of the cellphone RAM. Because limited RAM will make HP performance slower. The usual cause is full HP RAM due to excessive use of applications and games.

How to add RAM

Having a smart cellphone or what we often call a smartphone today is a must. With a sophisticated cellphone, all activities will be easier.

Currently there are lots of cellphones with very qualified specifications, which are presenting large RAM specifications. However, not infrequently the cellphone is slow or often experiences lag.

Before we start to find out how to increase HP RAM, we should know how to view our Android HP RAM. The trick is to open the Settings menu or Settings from your Android phone.

Then look for the Memory section. Then you will automatically see the RAM capacity on your cellphone. So, this method is to find out whether the RAM is full or not.

So, you can determine how to add the next HP RAM. If it's full, then you can clean it with a RAM cleaner application so that space is more relieved.

After you check or find out the condition of the HP RAM, then you can find the cause of RAM to become full and make the performance of the cellphone decrease.

The cause of full RAM is that many applications are running in the background operating system on your Android phone. Then, another cause is the factory default application that is active and continues to run in realtime.

The next cause is that there are applications with large memory so that they consume RAM space capacity. It could also be the cause of full fast RAM because the RAM capacity is indeed small.

So, if you add a few or a few applications, it makes it crowded or full. Thus, you know the cause of the RAM capacity which is easily full. Then you can determine how or steps to increase the RAM capacity on your cellphone.

Right Steps To Add HP RAM

This step or how to increase HP RAM is actually still a misunderstanding of the correct technique for doing it.

A lot of information that is less valid if there is a special technique in enlarging RAM can only be with applications. Which means, RAM capacity can be increased with the help of certain applications.

In fact, this information is wrong. RAM is a piece of hardware and not software like a downloaded application. Then there is more information if RAM can increase in capacity with or without root.

In fact, many people think that this way can increase the capacity of cellphone RAM. This is not true in its entirety. Because, to increase RAM, you have to replace RAM with a capacity larger than the previous RAM.

There is more information about how to increase HP RAM by using a MicroSD. This is a big mistake, because the SD card is an external memory that functions as additional storage on the cellphone.

With the SD card, the HP memory is not full quickly. So, the SD card is not an additional phone RAM capacity. Actually, how RAM works on a cellphone is almost the same as RAM on a PC or laptop.

So, if you want to increase RAM capacity, you can upgrade from these components. Similarly, the addition of a larger internal hard drive for additional storage.

The steps that can be taken to increase cellphone RAM properly are:

The first step

How to increase HP RAM by replacing emmc. You can buy a brand new emmc from an electronics store. Then you can copy the data from the emmc to the new emmc.

You can use RIF, JTag or Volcano to fill in new data (in the form of firmware with extension). You can buy this emmc tool with a price range of 3 million. Second, after finishing copying data, you can remove the old emmc.

How to remove it using a blower or BGA rework. Generally already available on a set of the emmc. So, you just wear it.

Second Step

Don't forget to clean any dirt or lead residue. You can clean it with the help of a tin vacuum or similar.

Third step

The third way to add HP RAM is to make a new leg for emmc which you will install later. This process is the most difficult step you have to do to increase the RAM of your phone. You can make new emmc footprints by using the molten tin that you pour in the mold.

When you finish pouring the tin, it will usually form like a small circle. Then you can remove it from the mold so you can attach it to the motherboard.

You have to do this because the BGA IC is not complete with emmc legs. So, you have to make it first so that it can be attached to the motherboard.

Fourth Step

The fourth way is to attach emmc to the motherboard. The trick is to attach the legs to each terminal. You can use a blower to melt the lead pins to connect to the motherboard.

Don't forget to pay attention to the heat level so as not to damage the emmc. If adding RAM to your cellphone by replacing emmc doesn't work, then you can take it to an HP repairman.

Then, if you feel that this step is very difficult and bringing your cellphone to a repairman is not too sure, then you can do maintenance so that the HP RAM is not too full which slows down the performance of your cellphone.

Here are the maintenance steps you can do.

Take care of RAM with the RAM Cleaner Application

The way to increase RAM capacity is to free up space with the RAM Cleaner application. You can download this application on the Playstore and install it via your cellphone.

This application can regularly clean unnecessary files on your cellphone. Because of this garbage file, the cellphone will become slow.

In addition, this application can also stop applications running on the background of the cellphone. Applications that you can download from Playstore, for example, Speed ​​Booster, Cheetah Mobile, and many more. This way of adding RAM to your cellphone can help free up space.

Uninstall Application

Your cellphone is slow, there may be many downloaded applications on your cellphone. You can increase RAM by uninstalling or uninstalling applications that you rarely use.

You can check RAM, then find out which applications need the most memory. Then you can delete it from your cellphone.

Here's how to remove large memory-consuming apps. You do this by opening the Settings menu or Settings via your cellphone. Then enter the Application section.

Next, choose which apps you want to delete or uninstall. Choose one that has a large memory and you rarely use it. After determining it, click Uninstall so that the application can be removed from your cellphone. Automatically, you will get a way to add HP RAM.

Disable Default Applications

This method is among the most effective for you to use. You can disable applications from your cellphone. You can't uninstall the default application. Hence, simply disable it.

The trick is to open Google Play. Then select the dot icon in the upper left corner. After that, open the Help and Feedback menu. Then in the search field, enter the keyword Disable App.

Next, specify the related topic and open the Tap to go to Application Settings link. Then in this section you can determine the default apk that you will deactivate. How to add HP RAM is by clicking the Disable button.

For how to increase RAM on an Android phone you are relatively easy to do. Starting from replacing emmc to disabling the manufacturer's application from your cellphone.

You need to know that adding RAM to a cellphone must be done by upgrading or replacing hardware components or physical components. Increase RAM not by using other applications or software.

You can do how to add RAM to your Android cellphone for smooth surfing or operating your cellphone easily. Your cellphone will avoid frequent lags or sluggish times. In fact, you can also do tips on caring for RAM on your cellphone to keep space for free and loose RAM.

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